MemberBaragonOct-25-2021 4:17 AMThroughout my time as a Godzilla fan, I have seen countless online polls where fans have voted for Destroyah to be the next big bad of the MonsterVerse. Many feel that he is one Godzilla’s strongest enemies, and would be an appropriate monster in include in the last film.
With me however, I feel that Destroyah being included in the MonsterVerse is less likely than many people seem to think.
One of the most common arguments for Destroyah’s inclusion in the MonsterVerse is that KOTM brought in the Oxygen Destroyer, which was a weapon used to kill Godzilla in the original 1954 film that ultimately led to the creation of Destroyah in Godzilla vs Destroyah. While it may seem obvious that the OD would do the same in the MonsterVerse, I think it’s only purpose was to incapacitate Godzilla and show that humanity will stop at nothing to disrupt the natural order.
Just because the OD was included in KOTM doesn’t mean that it was setting up Destroyah. The Oxygen Destroyer had a pre-established history in the franchise prior to Godzilla vs Destroyah. Much like in Gojira 1954, it was used by the humans to kill Godzilla. So it’s inclusion in KOTM may have just been a quick little shoutout to the original film and nothing more.
On top of the Oxygen Destroyer not equaling the inclusion of Destroyah, Destroyah doesn’t have as much recognition as the other Toho monsters we’ve gotten in the MonsterVerse. While Ghidorah, Mothra, Rodan, and Mechagodzilla were all featured in multiple Toho Godzilla films prior to KOTM, Destroyah only appeared in one. The same is true for a monster like Biollante.
So while it would be cool to see modern day versions of Destroyah or Biollante, looking at their inclusion from a business perspective, would it really make sense for Legendary to purchase the rights to monsters that were only one-offs, especially after their big Toho roster film that featured some of Godzilla’s most iconic monsters underperformed at the box office?
I feel that this is something we should consider, and we should prepare ourselves for a scenario where we don’t get anymore Toho monsters in future MonsterVerse films. Maybe Legendary will think it’s safer to create original monsters for Godzilla and Kong to fight instead of relying on more Toho properties. After all, general audiences didn’t seem to mind the MUTOs and Skullcrawlers in the first two MonsterVerse films. So I don’t think it would be a stretch to believe that the next big bad will be an original monster.

MemberGiganOct-25-2021 9:58 AMSure, I can see that.

MemberAnguirusOct-25-2021 1:35 PMGodzilla vs Destoroyah is one of my favorite Godzilla films, so I would love to see Destoroyah make a comeback, although I'm not sure if he would be able to appeal to mainstream audiences like Mechagodzilla did...

MemberAnguirusOct-25-2021 1:42 PMi agree with sasquadash. nobody wants to go see a movie about a giant crustacean anymore :(

MemberGiganOct-25-2021 2:18 PMI dont want im to come back. He simply worked best in Godzilla vs destroyah.
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

MemberGiganOct-25-2021 2:27 PMMechaGhidorah is a good option.

Trash panda
MemberAnguirusOct-25-2021 2:30 PMYeah, I whole heartedly agree, dudes

MemberGiganOct-25-2021 3:09 PMMechaGhidorah
I disagree. Honestly mechaGhidorah isn’t that cool for me. Seriously it’s even weaker than Ghidorah himself. I think it’s dumb. But that’s me
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

MemberAnguirusOct-25-2021 3:14 PMi sorta thought he was cool

MemberAnguirusOct-25-2021 4:07 PMi sorta thought he was poo (strength-wise anyways)

MemberGiganOct-26-2021 2:05 PMIt seems I've caused chaos with my idea about MechaGhidorah.
Well....this image is the best metaphor for this situation:

MemberAnguirusOct-26-2021 2:45 PMI think bringing back Ghidorah as Mecha-King Ghidorah wouldn't really work well in the series. We've seen Ghidorah fight Godzilla in modern day and we've seen his consciousness posses Mechagodzilla, reviving him again in modern day would feel redundant, too predictable, and repetitive. However, since Legendary established that Ghidorah's rivalry with Godzilla goes back thousands of years, bringing him back in a prequel could work. Establishing how he came to Earth and how his rivalry with Godzilla started, it could add on to the timeline and mythology of the series, maybe they could tie it into the ancient Titan War.

MemberGiganOct-26-2021 3:52 PMI actually like the idea of humans resurrecting him in different forms like mechagodzilla, it’s isn’t realistic but it makes him sort of mystic, but I dunno, I don’t see it happening
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

MemberAnguirusOct-26-2021 5:03 PMI do like the idea of humanity's arrogance resurrecting Ghidorah and him being the ultimate punishment for mankind, but I feel if they keep bringing him back over and over again it would start feeling repetitive and I can see critics and general audiences not responding well to it. I like how the MonsterVerse Ghidorah is established as an ancient threat and that there's potentially a much larger story that he's a part of, with us only seeing a fraction of it in KOTM. It gives Legendary the opportunity to potentially use him in the future (if Toho will allow them) without making it feel too repetitive, while also using him to expand on the MonsterVerse's timeline.

MemberGiganOct-26-2021 6:37 PMI feel like this would actually give Madison Russell the chance to be put in the main role as maybe she's the single non-ignorant human, and have her be forced to confront the massive mistake herself since no one else would. Also it would bring her story full circle since her whole story throughout the MonsterVerse has revolved around Godzilla and Ghidorah.