New Species Of Sea Worm Named After King Ghidorah!

MemberAnguirusJan-30-2022 6:10 PMWell, 2022 is off to an interesting start...
A newly discovered species of branching sea worm has been officially named after the great "Monster Zero" himself, King Ghidorah.
Say hello to "Ramisyllis kingghidorahi."
In a bizarre twist, the microscopic worm actually only has one head, the multiple branching segments are actually its rear ends. So instead of "Ghidorah: The Three-Headed Monster", we ended up getting "Ghidorah: The Multi-Butt Worm"...
The species was named after Ghidorah due to the fact that it had branching ends that are able to regenerate when lost. Maria Teresa Aguado, one of the authors of the research team's results stated:
“King Ghidorah is a branching fictional animal that can regenerate its lost ends. So we thought this was an appropriate name for the new species of branching worm,”
The new species was first discovered inside sea sponges off the coast of Japan. The worms live within the stomachs of these sponges. It is currently unknown if the relationship between these worms and sponges are symbiotic or parasitic.
Overall, naming a microscopic "multi-butt" sea worm after a giant three-headed space dragon may seem pretty weird at first, but, to be fair, it does look a lot like the Polygon Trilogy's version of Ghidorah...
You can find more information about this discovery here:

MemberGiganJan-30-2022 6:27 PMThis isn’t the first time an animal was named after a kaiju beleive it or not, recently a parasitic wasp was named Microgaster godzilla
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

MemberGiganJan-30-2022 6:28 PMPetition to call noodle Ghidorah, worm Ghidorah instead?
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

MemberAnguirusJan-30-2022 6:41 PMI've been referring to the anime Ghidorah as "celestial tapeworms" ever since that movie was released.

MemberGiganJan-30-2022 8:54 PMthe worm kind of does look like anime ghidorah

MemberAnguirusJan-31-2022 6:16 AMCELESTIAL TAPEWORMS.
but looks kinda cool actually

MemberGiganJan-31-2022 9:58 PMwhat should I be checking the site for?
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

MemberGiganJan-31-2022 10:18 PMOh, the bot is gone……
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

Trash panda
MemberAnguirusFeb-01-2022 4:34 PMThat’s awesome. Does kinda remind me of Polygon Trilogy’s version too

G theorist
MemberBaragonFeb-04-2022 9:51 AMOOOOR, King Ghidorahs "heads" are actually his rear end....

MemberAnguirusFeb-04-2022 2:53 PMIt gets weirder, apparently their reproduction cycle involves their rear ends breaking off and swimming away.

MemberGiganFeb-05-2022 10:12 AMIt’s not that weird. Worms are already segmented, this happens with them a bunch.
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

MemberAnguirusFeb-05-2022 10:46 AMI know, it's just kind of funny to think that a creature named after Ghidorah reproduces by having its multiple butts come to life...

Cool Godzilla
MemberGiganOct-08-2022 10:50 PMCool.