Will Biollante return to the Monsterverse and fight Godzilla?

MemberGiganJun-06-2022 1:53 PMI would love to see Biollante in a MonsterVerse movie

MemberAnguirusJun-06-2022 3:37 PMno.
biollante would never work in the monsterverse.
she cant be a titan, since she isnt exactly godlike.
and we already got a coupe of "earth/plant titans" like mothra, methuselah and behemoth.
in my opinion biollante only works in the context of godzilla vs. biollante.

MemberGiganJun-06-2022 4:58 PMYes.

MemberGiganJun-06-2022 8:02 PMMonsterZero9, Kaiju's origins tend to change

MemberGiganJun-06-2022 11:39 PMMonsutazerokyu
to be fair, not all the titans are really godlike anymore. And they already made a human titan now, Mekagojira
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

MemberGiganJun-06-2022 11:40 PMBut i do agree it makes a lot more sense in its original film.
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

MemberAnguirusJun-07-2022 5:25 AMI like the idea of humanity trying to create their own Titans, it fits with the theme of messing with nature's balance. The idea of Earth's natural Titans having to compete with new manmade Pseudo-Titans could be a really interesting concept for the series.

MemberGiganJun-07-2022 10:16 PMThat's what my idea for Biollante was. I'm going to have to make my pitch on Godzilla 3 soon, with that being the main focus. Thanks SasquaDash!

MemberBaragonJun-12-2022 1:11 PMI think the next Godzilla 3 movie is gonna Godzilla: King of the Sea

Cool Godzilla
MemberGiganJun-30-2022 2:58 AMReally!? Are you sure?

Cool Godzilla
MemberGiganAug-18-2022 2:06 AMActually, this is Godzilla Desolation. A fan movie that I embarrassingly said that it was a new movie but it wasn't, just fan art.