Godzilla Movie

What do you think the “colossal, undiscovered threat” will be in the next movie?

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MemberBaragonAug-28-2022 4:46 PM

Hey everyone!

One of the most intriguing bits of information that we’ve gotten from the new synopsis for the next MonsterVerse movie is that Godzilla and Kong will team up against a “colossal, undiscovered threat hidden within our world.” What do you think this could mean? If you ask me, it sounds like the new threat will be an original monster that lives in the Hollow Earth that threatens both humanity and the two Titans. Who knows, it might even be that flying Godzilla-like monster that was shown in the GVK artbook.

44 Replies


MemberGiganAug-28-2022 6:45 PM

Hopefully its either Battra (Mothra's evil counterpart) or Desghidorah



MemberAnguirusAug-28-2022 7:19 PM

The recent Call of Duty: Warzone event, "Operation Monarch" featured cave paintings of the Titans, including one that features Godzilla and a tribe fighting what appears to be a new Titan.

Interestingly, this cave painting was separated from the others, was more hidden away, and was the only "new" Titan featured (the others being Godzilla, Kong, a Hell Hawk, a Warbat, a Skullcrawler, a Rock Critter, and "Doug"), which could suggest that it has some significance. Maybe this Titan has something to do with this new threat. It's probably unlikely that Legendary would reveal the main antagonist of the movie this soon, but maybe there's a chance that this Easter egg is a potential teaser for the future.

"Neither beast nor man. Something monstrous."


MemberGiganAug-29-2022 2:19 AM

maybe its Rhedosaurus expy from The beasts from 50,000 Fathoms 



MemberBaragonAug-29-2022 4:14 AM

@SasquaDash: You bring up a good point! An interesting detail about that monster is that some of it’s dorsal spikes are transparent, which makes me think they could possibly be made out of crystals, and which monster has similar crystals on their back? Just something to think about. 


MemberBaragonAug-29-2022 4:22 AM

@SasquaDash: Or perhaps the “crystals” on their back could be the way they are due to the heavy amount of Hollow Earth radiation the creature has consumed. Maybe this creature stores the radiations in its dorsal spines?


MemberMothra LarvaeAug-29-2022 4:26 AM

i think it could be   Biollante, Destroyah, or an Older "Evil" Godzilla.  In a Pre Monsterverse Godzilla Novel  Biollante came from Inside the Earth.  Destroyah doesn't have to be a Creation of the Oxygen Destroyer.   personally id kinda like it to be an Older Godzilla  weve never really seen Godzilla Fight "himself" that wasnt  a Robot in disguise  or a Black hole mutated Space clone. 


MemberMothra LarvaeAug-29-2022 4:29 AM

@sasquaDash  that monster there in your posted pic gives me Varan vibes  maybe a love child of Varan and Space Godzilla?


MemberGiganAug-29-2022 5:41 AM

It does bare some resemblance to both Varan and Space Godzilla



MemberAnguirusAug-29-2022 6:47 AM


It almost feels like a combination of Spacegodzilla, Varan, Krystalak and Anguirus.

I've herd some suggestions that it could be a reference to Rokmutul, who was an Anguirus-like monster from an early concept for 2014. It does resemble him somewhat, although the concept design for Rokmutul had six legs (it's possible that they could've have changed it though). I find it really interesting that, out of all the established Titans in the series, the cave painting in the Call of Duty event seems to be an entirely new creature. Maybe this creature could appear in the new movie or the live action TV series. Might be a stretch, but it could be possible. 

"Neither beast nor man. Something monstrous."


MemberBaragonAug-29-2022 7:18 AM

Good questions, i say Destroyah, Biollante, Megalon, Battra, Gigan, some new original monsters, or that cave drawing from call of duty. Interesting things u guys sayin bout it.


MemberBaragonAug-29-2022 9:50 AM

The whole warzone thing.. It really is just non-canon, i believe COD just wanted to make their own event if the new battle pass or whatever Warzone has will sell well. Considering warzone has been dying its pretty clear that it got canned as an event. Even PUBG had one.

                           I am.. the one who knocks 


MemberBaragonAug-29-2022 9:50 AM

And that new event would be godzilla vs that thing

                           I am.. the one who knocks 


MemberBaragonAug-29-2022 9:52 AM

And also why would COD dictate the story of a large hollywood movie 

                           I am.. the one who knocks 


MemberAnguirusAug-29-2022 10:09 AM


I know. The painting probably doesn't have any significance to the next movie, I just thought it was an interesting detail.

"Neither beast nor man. Something monstrous."


MemberBaragonAug-29-2022 10:12 AM

Sorry for the negativity, the new villain will probably be an og one like Destoroyah.

                           I am.. the one who knocks 


MemberGiganAug-29-2022 2:20 PM

if it is Destoroyah they'll need to upgrade Legendary Godzilla's burning form but many will accuse this movie for being a Godzilla vs Destoroyah remake so they'll probably have to do something else.



MemberBaragonAug-29-2022 5:17 PM

Probably would be Destoroyah correct me if I am wrong.


MemberAnguirusAug-29-2022 5:22 PM


Yeah, I feel like, out of all the Toho kaiju, Destoroyah and Gigan are probably the most likely candidates for the MonsterVerse, since they've introduced both the oxygen destroyer and the idea of alien threats in the series.

"Neither beast nor man. Something monstrous."


MemberGiganAug-29-2022 7:23 PM

the many I'm talking about is of coarse are hardcore godzilla fans. How would would you work destoroyah into the story? Burning Godzilla back in Heisei was the result of Godzilla fighting Space Godzilla and was melting down by the time Destoroyah first appears. Burning Godzilla explodes taking out Destoroyah.

Unless of coarse they have Godzilla gain a new power to defeat Destoroyah I think most fans would/would not want Godzilla to enter his burning form



MemberBaragonAug-30-2022 5:37 AM


course* + "How would you work Destoroyah in the story" is a lazy question, the same way all the villains are. Make it so that all the damage and other stuff caused a mess tainting crustaceans and making them into Destoroyah. It's that easy, even SpaceGodzilla can be an option.

Oh and the super powers thing is easy just give him a dose of nuke and boom he has a new super power called "plot armor".

                           I am.. the one who knocks 

G. H. (Gman)

AdminGodzillaAug-30-2022 8:50 AM

"Burning Godzilla back in Heisei was the result of Godzilla fighting Space Godzilla"

No it was not.

"'Nostalgic' does not equal 'good,' and 'standards' does not equal 'elitism.'" "Being offended is inevitable. Living offended is your choice."


MemberGiganAug-30-2022 10:35 AM

G. H. (Gman)

Well that's how I interpreted the events maybe because I watched the English dub and they got it wrong or that I only watched through the Heisei series once so the detailed parts of the plots are not fully itched into my memory



MemberAnguirusAug-30-2022 10:43 AM


Godzilla's burning form in Godzilla vs. Destoroyah, was as a result of Birth Island being destroyed in a nuclear explosion. Exposure to high amounts of radiation and energy from the explosion caused him to go into a supercharged form that proved to be too much for him. He wasn't able to expel the excess energy (like he was able to in King of the Monsters) which eventually caused him to meltdown. The extra energy that Rodan transferred to Godzilla in Godzilla vs Mechagodzilla II may have also played a role in it as well.

"Neither beast nor man. Something monstrous."

G. H. (Gman)

AdminGodzillaAug-30-2022 11:26 AM

The uranium deposits in Birth Island ignited, sinking it in the film's opening. It mutated both Godzilla and Little Godzilla into the forms seen in Godzilla vs. Destoroyah. The meeting with the UNGCC confirms all of this immediately following the Hong Kong attack.

"'Nostalgic' does not equal 'good,' and 'standards' does not equal 'elitism.'" "Being offended is inevitable. Living offended is your choice."


MemberBaragonAug-30-2022 11:48 AM


Interpretations are super dumb at many times my man. Some things show what they wanna show yet stupid common interpretations come and ruin it.

Please also only watch the japanese dub because some things can be lost in translation.

                           I am.. the one who knocks 


MemberBaragonAug-30-2022 11:50 AM

G. H. (Gman)

Never got why the media uses URANIUM when the actual nuclear explosion material is ENRICHED URANIUM

                           I am.. the one who knocks 


MemberBaragonAug-30-2022 11:52 AM

And considering Japan got their karma with the two nuclear bombs dropped on them they should know what the thing that made their MONSTER a HUGE MONSTER was made out of

                           I am.. the one who knocks 

G. H. (Gman)

AdminGodzillaAug-30-2022 12:32 PM

Semantics are semantics.

"'Nostalgic' does not equal 'good,' and 'standards' does not equal 'elitism.'" "Being offended is inevitable. Living offended is your choice."


MemberGiganAug-30-2022 4:24 PM

Okay I was wrong, I only watched Godzilla vs Destoroyah only once so I forgot most of the movie



MemberBaragonAug-31-2022 4:33 PM

Go go Destoroyah!

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