MemberMothra LarvaeJun-28-2024 7:02 PMhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wnh1mOTfhgw
As you may or may not no, Godzilla's roar was created by rubbing a rubber glove against a stringed instrument. Well, turns out, a very similar sound was used in the Dune soundtrack, probably from Hans Zimmer really scratching hard on whatever instrument he used. The Godzilla-like roar used is to show that the main character, Paul, has become the villain. At this point, he has given into his desire for vengeance, ready to trick the natives of the planet into believing he is their messiah to get revenge on the people who killed his family, knowing full well it will spiral into a genocidal holy war that will kill billions across the galaxy. The score is basically telling the viewers that Paul has become a bloodthirsty animal with the roar-like sounds. Just an observation, feel free to leave your thoughts on this.