MemberGiganMay-18-2021 11:10 PMI’m going to japan. No one can stop me

MemberBaragonMay-19-2021 1:53 AMBreathtaking. I think the Hong Kong HEAV scene in GvK would also be fit for a ride like this.

MemberMothra LarvaeMay-19-2021 6:15 AMThis Godzilla movies very weirdly, wonder if they used motion capture for it.

MemberAnguirusMay-19-2021 7:18 AMThe first person scene with Ghidorah feels like a video game...

MemberGiganMay-19-2021 7:19 AMJordan502
I think it’s doing what shin godzilla did, it’s imitating tokusatsu

AdminSpaceGodzillaMay-19-2021 7:54 AMIt's shocking it's taken this long for a Godzilla VR Ride to hit a theme park, but I'm all for it! Love the Yamakazi's Godzilla, but I'm still not sold on the bird-Ghidorah haha.
Thanks for posting this up, GMan!

MemberAnguirusMay-19-2021 9:42 AMi wish i lived in japan :( x 90 = :(((((((((((((((((

MemberAnguirusMay-19-2021 10:04 AMwhat's everyone's problem with bird-ghidorah :'0
tech issues, i'll have to watch it later

MemberAnguirusMay-19-2021 1:11 PMa p p l a u d
i'd do it buuuuut
1: im not a fan of roller coasters, even if they have cool monsters involved
2: i am nowhere near japan

MemberGiganMay-19-2021 2:03 PMKattozilla
1. It’s not really a roller coaster
2. That shouldn’t stop you

MemberAnguirusMay-19-2021 2:41 PMhmmm mk
1: im still a coward
but maybe-
2: if i get there in time and if my relatives would even let me
i might think about it

MemberGiganMay-19-2021 3:03 PMToho is once again too lazy to add the Legendary roar....

MemberGiganMay-19-2021 3:05 PMBut that roar is so awesome

MemberGiganMay-19-2021 3:09 PMThe chose not to use it. Probably because it’s less recognizable. And I think millennium has an equally cool roar.

G. H. (Gman)
AdminGodzillaMay-19-2021 3:38 PMsonictiger,
Using the Legendary would literally be just as lazy as recycling the Millennium roar--Which, as SarcasticGoji pointed out, sounds more like Godzilla anyway.

MemberGiganMay-19-2021 4:46 PMLegendary's is more realistic.

MemberGiganMay-19-2021 4:52 PMsonictiger
umm, we’ve never heard an animal that big and probably never will. There’s nothing that suggests it’s more realistic. Sure more organic, but it could be wrong.
Now if you want the most realistic Godzilla in general,
Heres a topic explaining which one it is,
Kaiju Biology
If you have questions I can answer them

G. H. (Gman)
AdminGodzillaMay-19-2021 5:21 PMsonictiger,
Glad they stuck with his more recognizable roar then. Realism is one of the last things I look for in Godzilla.

MemberGiganMay-20-2021 8:19 AMThat's one of Godzilla 2014's only good qualities. It has REALISM.

MemberGiganMay-20-2021 8:42 AMsonictiger
The movie or the Kaiju? I will respond to both.
Movie: Has many other good qualities, like character work, the visuals (even the grey filter doesn’t ruin enjoyment), Build up and a good pay off, Stable themes, good characters, not too much exposition.
Kaiju: There’s no way Legendary Godzilla could exist in real life. The only reason shin godzilla has a chance, is because it’s organized cancer cells and contains unknown elements inside its body

MemberAnguirusMay-21-2021 8:07 AMyeah mv is a really big boi
like way too big, he'd need to be a lot smaller, or exclusively aquatic
oh yeah i still need to make that realistic au...oof im procrastinating

MemberGiganMay-21-2021 11:16 AMOk, you really need to tell me your HONEST opinion of GVK and yes I admire that GVK felt more of escapism than realism and that WAS a good thing.
Stop slamming my thoughts man.

G. H. (Gman)
AdminGodzillaMay-21-2021 11:25 AMsonictiger,
"Slamming your thoughts?" All I did was parrot back your exact sentence. So if that's what you think I'm doing that must mean you've only been doing the same.

MemberAnguirusMay-21-2021 11:34 AM oh no oh no what has the conversation turned too
pls only happy :)
or not ig i cant really stop you

MemberGiganMay-21-2021 11:38 AMListen Gman, I'm tired of you slamming GVK. I want justification and I want your thoughts on the film NOW.
You gave reasons for KOTM. It only makes sense to do the same for this (actually very good) movie.

MemberGiganMay-21-2021 11:47 AMsonictiger
Why should he? Just because you want it? It’s his choice to decide if he wants to give you his opinion.

MemberGiganMay-21-2021 11:48 AMand he’s already made it clear. If you want a good explanation of his thoughts, go ahead and look at his debates with SasquaDash.

G. H. (Gman)
AdminGodzillaMay-21-2021 11:51 AMsonictiger,
Like SarcasticGoji said, I've sprinkled the reasons why in lots of places if you want to read. But I also don't see how me slamming GvK is any different than you slamming G'14. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

MemberGiganMay-21-2021 11:51 AMand if he dislikes GvK then that’s ok. He has the right to say so. So if you get tired of his opinion, that your problem not his

MemberAnguirusMay-21-2021 11:56 AMme, being a coward, is going to ignore this situation
STILL HAVE TECH ISSUES i cant watch it
first impressions, though, godzilla is still awesome (his snout is a bit too round for my liking though, but thats just a hot take)

MemberGiganMay-21-2021 11:57 AMCan I see the link to these Goji?

MemberGiganMay-21-2021 11:59 AMAlso Gman, I don't think G'14 is necessarily bad, but it is a pretty tedious watch that DOES have moments that make it semi-worthwhile of a watch.

Trash panda
MemberAnguirusMay-21-2021 1:21 PM"I’m going to japan. No one can stop me"
Dude, I'm coming with U!

MemberAnguirusMay-21-2021 1:37 PMmake that 2
i'm tagging along
i'll pay for my own ticket no worries

MemberGiganMay-21-2021 1:39 PMOk, The question is, how do we get there?
And remember Espionage is illegal