What do you think the runtime for Godzilla Vs. Kong will be?

MemberGiganMar-01-2021 1:27 PMYou guys should comment on this but for me, it's simple. For a monster movie with the scale and scope of Godzilla Vs. Kong, I think the runtime could run anywhere from 2 hours and 35 minutes to possibly 3 hours and 10 minutes. This movie has a lot to offer like the matchup itself, the Hollow Earth stuff, the mystery of Godzilla flipping sides, APEX, etc. I don't really believe the leaks that the movie will be under 2 hours, because that's baloney. Another possibility is that a leak said that the movie is two hours and 33 minutes. That's totally fair, but anyways it needs to be the longest MonsterVerse movie in order to jam all that story in...

MemberGiganMar-01-2021 1:28 PMFirst comment again! I am on a roll!!!!

MemberGiganMar-01-2021 1:30 PMHey no fair, your the author of the post

G. H. (Gman)
AdminGodzillaMar-01-2021 1:30 PMAlloCine has confirmed it is 1 hour and 53 minutes. The shortest of the Monsterverse.

MemberGiganMar-01-2021 1:35 PMI don't trust AlloCine, due to the fact if that was actually true that means WB sabotaged the movie like they did with Justice League, and I don't think there would ever be a #ReleaseTheWingardCut thing ever.

MemberGiganMar-01-2021 1:35 PMAnd Xenotaris, you win some and you lose some.

MemberGiganMar-01-2021 1:38 PMWe need official rules for this:
I am always right
I get all the points
And We should all bow to the first commenter
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

MemberGiganMar-01-2021 1:39 PMI don’t think it will be 3 hrs
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

MemberGiganMar-01-2021 1:39 PMYeaaaaaah, no.
All people are created equal.
We deserve to comment first.

MemberGiganMar-01-2021 1:41 PMAnd also it would make sense for it to be 3 hours

MemberGiganMar-01-2021 1:42 PMI think that there should be a thing that we have to do for the person after they get the first comment.
so like if you get first,
I have to respond with *Bow in the comments
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

G. H. (Gman)
AdminGodzillaMar-01-2021 1:45 PMAlloCine has been correct about run times for the other Monsterverse films when they were announced.
It will not be 3 hours. The majority of the Monsterverse films have clocked an average of 2 hours and King of the Monsters actually ran a little too long.
Adam Wingard is also not a very powerful director and the studio will have mandated a 2 hour time slot because it can fit more theater showings into a single day. Most studios prefer this. The only reason movies like Avengers: Endgame got away with something longer is due to the popularity of the franchise.
And honestly, a 3 hour Monsterverse movie sounds exhausting.

MemberGiganMar-01-2021 1:48 PM@Gman
Thank you.
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

MemberGiganMar-01-2021 2:05 PMGoji and Gman, BRUH.
Also Gman, I was kinda hoping you had something to say about my latest comments in the retrospective.
Off-Topic, I know. But back to the bruh part. Why I said that is because GvK has a whole lotta story to tell, and it doesn't seem right to jam it all in an hour and 53 minutes (YES, I looked).

MemberGiganMar-01-2021 2:12 PM@SonicTiger
Yes but to our knowledge at the time so did KOTM
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

MemberGiganMar-01-2021 2:13 PMBut I do want a 3 hour Monsterverse film
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

MemberGiganMar-01-2021 2:16 PMHa, THANK YOU

MemberGiganMar-01-2021 2:49 PM*Bows*

G. H. (Gman)
AdminGodzillaMar-01-2021 3:26 PMKing of the Monsters was juggling the introduction of new characters and four new monsters. Granted I don't think it was very good, so perhaps that's why I felt it was too long. But the point is GvK has no more massive plot points/characters to juggle than most Blockbuster films and fitting it into a 2 hour runtime should be fine.
But there's no possible way the studio would allow this movie to get anywhere close to 3 hours. Especially with the way King of the Monsters flopped at the box office. They want to maximize how many screens show it a day and the best way to do that is to keep the runtime tight.

MemberGiganMar-01-2021 3:33 PMNO MASSIVE PLOT POINTS?????
Plot points: Godzilla and Kong doing battle in probably 3 fights with two of them in the final act, MONARCH uncovering the origins of the Titans in Hollow Earth, Madison figuring out what's going on with Godzilla and APEX's involvement.
I just listed all the major plot points.

MemberGiganMar-01-2021 3:35 PMYou could do he same for KOTM
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

MemberGiganMar-01-2021 3:38 PMChallenge accepted.
Godzilla: King Of The Monsters major plot points: Godzilla vs Ghidorah, MONARCH trying to stop the eco-terrorists from freeing the titans, Eco-Terrorists trying to unleash the Titans

G. H. (Gman)
AdminGodzillaMar-01-2021 3:42 PMsonictiger,
I didn't say there were no massive plot points. I said there were, "no more massive points/characters to juggle than most Blockbuster films."
You could make lists like that for a lot of moves that stay around 2 hours these days.

G. H. (Gman)
AdminGodzillaMar-01-2021 3:44 PMsonictiger,
You also forgot Mark getting roped into Monarch to find his family, Emma's wishy-washy arc, the introduction of Rodan and Mothra, the sub-plot of giving Godzilla a booster shot with nukes. (Which was stupid...)
The list probably goes on. You could literally do this with any movie.

MemberGiganMar-01-2021 4:03 PMSure yeah but I only included the arcs that had any value whatsoever.

MemberMothra LarvaeMar-02-2021 6:20 AMA 3 hour Monster Movie that is nothing but chaos and destruction as Titans beat it out and a third menacing force introduces itself? Omg I can only pray. 29 more days.

MemberGiganMar-02-2021 8:45 AMYup.
Google actually says the movie runs for 2hrs and 52mins.

G. H. (Gman)
AdminGodzillaMar-02-2021 8:52 AMGoogle is unreliable as it just takes algorithms from any unverified source. At one point it said this:
The 2 hour and 52 minutes runtime was taken from an imdb post a fan made. It was removed from imdb 2 months ago. The 2 hour and 52 minute runtime is false.
AlloCine is a verified source, because it gets its information directly from studios.
The movie will not be 3 hours. I would prepare to be disappointed if you are hoping otherwise.

MemberGiganMar-02-2021 8:54 AMMajor plot points can’t be resolved in less than 2 hours

G. H. (Gman)
AdminGodzillaMar-02-2021 8:57 AMAs I've said repeatedly, most Blockbuster movies have just as many plot points, if not more, and are usually resolved in a rounded 2 hours.
Even if that weren't the case, studios like to keep movies within a 2 hour time frame so they can have more showings per day. The longer the movie, the less showings theaters can fit into their schedule and the less money it potentially makes.
The movie will not be close to 3 hours. It's bad for business.